Doc's Beach and Sand Bar OHV Trails

Doc's Beach Loop & Sand Bar Loop Vernal, UT 84078

Take one part Doc’s Beach and one part Sand Bar. Throw in some washes, steep cliffs and rugged wheels. What does it make? Two loops, one mad OHV adventure.

Demanding Vernal trails offer thrills for serious off-road enthusiasts.

Two is better than one when it comes to the OHV gems Doc’s Beach and Sand Bar. Both have loop trails that intermingle with each other, giving you a variety of terrain, from sandy washes to extreme hills. 

Trail Overview

Doc’s Beach

Thrill seekers will appreciate Doc’s Beach, one of the toughest ATV trails in Vernal, Utah. It’s mainly grippy sandstone, making for a fun but tricky ride. Considered an advanced run, be prepared for steep climbs, ledges and overhangs. There are straddle points and crevices to be wary of as well. 

You can dig into the sand washes or focus on climbing steep walls of rock. This one is for experienced drivers only, with rollovers a real possibility. The 10-mile, two-way trail goes from 5,580 to 6,400 feet in elevation. This one will take plenty of patience. Remember to pass other vehicles with care.

Sand Bar

The Sand Bar OHV trail is definitely an easier ride, but because it intertwines with Doc’s Beach, it’s probably better to sit this one out if you’re not prepared for the ambitious sections.

Sand Bar trail, itself, will get your blood pumping, with serious inclines — and declines. Despite being sandstone, the trail is pretty sticky, so you’ll have traction even if it doesn’t look like it. This one is rated a four for difficulty.

While you're up on some of those ledges, take a few minutes to soak up the scenery. There is a superb view of unique formations you won’t find anywhere else. Keep your eyes peeled for eagles and falcons, maybe even deer or cougars. 

Trail Details

Accessible by:

  • Dirt bikes
  • ATVs
  • UTVs
  • SUVs
  • Jeeps and 4X4s

Interactive Trail Map

Click on the icon for each of the obstacles.

Trail Details

Timestamps from video

The Gate Keeper - Doc's Beach - The Gate keeper is obstacle #1 on the Doc's Beach trail. Watch this video for specific info on this obstacle

No Mercy - Doc's Beach Trail - Obstacle #2 on the Doc's beach trail. Follow the trail markers!

Big Kahuna - Doc's Beach - Obstacle #3, a steep sandstone wave.

Tilted Kilt - Doc's Beach - This obstacle is steeper than it looks so be careful not to roll!

Twin Caves - Drive your machine into a large sandstone alcove -- a perfect place to stop for a break. 

The Squeeze - Wide machines will have a difficulty with this obstacle! Watch the video for tips.

Deer Crack - This part of the trail straddles a deep crevasse. Even the most seasoned riders should exercise caution here.

Cannibal Canyon 

Sideways Sally - A distant relative of Upside-down Ursula, Sideways Sally will roll ya if she gets the chance.

How to Get There

The trails share a parking lot, about 15 minutes from downtown Vernal. Head north along 2500 West. You’ll find the trailhead down a dirt road on the west side. When staging your vehicle, be sure to keep clear of the trail entrance. 

Trail Maps

Doc’s Beach Loop

Sand Bar Loop

Need to Know

Download or take a screenshot of the trails, because cell reception can be spotty. There is no onsite gas station, so be sure to fill up all your tanks before heading out. While there is water at the nearby Steinaker State Park campground, it’s a good idea to bring plenty with you. Be sure to pack out anything you carry in. 

Nearby Rentals

No OHV? No problem. Rent an ATV or UTV for your day’s adventure.

Nearby Places to Stay

Stay within 15 minutes of the Doc’s Beach trail.



Nearby Events

Pick up some fresh produce and other local goodies at the Ashley Valley Farmers Market. Vendors set up Saturday mornings from July to September at the Library commons, 200 East Main Street. Listen to local buskers perform while you peruse the food and handmade items.

If in-person thrills aren’t enough, try the paranormal kind. The annual Phenomecon takes place in Vernal in September. The event kicked off in 2021, bringing in visitors from 24 states. Activities include UFO dark sky viewing, lectures with guest speakers and a downtown ghost hunt.



152 E. 100 N.

Vernal, UT 84078


Visit website

Click here for more OHV trails in this area.


Utah requires all OHV operators to complete the free Utah Off-Highway Vehicle Education Course. Operators under the age of 18 shall possess a youth OHV education certificate in order to operate an OHV on public land, road or trail. Operators 18 years of age or older may operate an OHV if they possess an approved adult OHV education certificate. The once-in-a-lifetime course is expected to take less than 30 minutes to complete. 

Take FREE OHV Education Course

Nearby Attractions

National/State Parks
  • Red Fleet State Park
  • Dinosaur National Monument
  • Steinaker Reservoir

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