How to Be a Naturalist Kid in Utah

How to Be a Naturalist Kid in Utah

By Jen Springer
April 18, 2016


Naturalists Needed!

Requirements + Supplies

• Pencil• Notebook (full of blank pages)• Observational body parts (eyes, ears, nose, fingers)--ready and alert

What's a naturalist you ask?

A person who takes lots of notes in their notebook about what they see, hear, smell, maybe even taste, and touch in lots of different natural neighborhoods (not city-type neighborhoods which are for detectives who wear suits, police officers and gossips).

We need naturalists to make observations at Arches National Park to help scientists take care of this beautiful and exciting place on our unique planet!

Naturalist Checklist

• Bring your notebooks & pencils.• Equip yourself with knowledge--which these articles will supply. Print it out and take it with you.• A park newsletter--totally free of charge once you pay the entrance fee.• A camera (optional--just for fun).• And a few necessary and convenient supplies such as food, water, backpack, a hat and other pertinent clothing and lotions (sunscreen).PERTINENT: relevant & appropriate.

Naturalist Preparation

You need to get plenty of sleep the night before so your brain is alive and alert.

Make sure to use any bathrooms BEFORE heading out into the wild no matter how empty you think your bladder is (It’s not very fun to try to go outside in a national park of high usage- i.e. not a lot of privacy). Just empty the dang bladder, even if the bathrooms are a bit scary and stinky.

Naturalist Scavenger Hunts in Utah National Parks

Arches National Park Naturalist Scavenger Hunt
